
Meet the people behind the movement: Duncan

Ever wondered who is behind the mission to enable people to control and be rewarded for their data? πŸš€  Meet Duncan,...

Browser tips & tricks: Popout videos

The popout video feature allows you to watch any video in a separate tab or...

Support a charity on the Gener8 Marketplace

Each month, we give our Gener8 community the opportunity to support three amazing charities by...

Gener8 Marketplace: Our new brand partnerships 🀝

If you love a good deal then you need to check out our new brand...

Gener8 Sentinel: How to check if your data has been breached

What are data breaches? πŸ“– data breach  A data breach is a security violation, in...

Meet the people behind the movement: Will

Ever wondered who is behind the mission to enable people to control and be rewarded for their data? πŸš€  Meet Will,...

πŸš€ Launching: Gener8 Auctions

We’ve heard you loud and clear Gener8ers πŸ“£ We know some of you may feel...

Browser tips & tricks: How to change your Gener8 Tabs Moods

Fancy a change of scenery? 🏞️ How are you feeling today? A. At one with...

What are digital footprints?

Your digital footprint forms your online identity and reputation. Every time you accept a β€˜cookie’...

Browser tips & tricks: Tab groups

How many times have you opened a new tab on your Gener8 browser and after...

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Beta release