
Like frequent flyer miles for the internet ✈️

Make your data work for you

It's time for change

Everything you do online is being tracked.
Thousands of companies collect and sell your data. Everyone's earning from your data. Except you.
Gener8 changes this ✊

Join more than 500,000 people

How to earn from your data

Gener8 App

Earn from
Gener8 App - Earn page

Gener8 Browser

Stop trackers, block ads and earn from your browsing.

Gener8 Browser - Settings panel
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars on GoogleRated 4.6 out of 5 stars on Google

Gener8 Extension

Earn from your browsing

Gener8 Extension - Settings panel

Gener8 Genie

Money saving magic

Gener8 Genie - List of offers

Getting started

Sit back and let Gener8 work for you

Welcome back!

  1. Use Gener8 to earn from what you do online 💯
  2. Earn points for sharing your anonymised data 🔐
  3. Spend your points on something that matters to you 🎉
Tesco voucher
Amazon voucher
Spotify voucher
Netflix voucher
Donate to charity

Earn points.
Redeem rewards.

Gift cards, exclusive offers, swag, or
donate to charity.

Don’t just take it from us

Join 500,000 people already using Gener8

Gener8 is a fantastic way to take back control of how your data is used and in...Read more
I'm loving this so far. All you do is browse like you normally would, and at the end of...Read more
This is a great idea. Earn points just for browsing as normal, then convert points...Read more
Discover more ways to earn  🔍
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Let data reward you in real life 🎁

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