Meet the people behind the movement: Sita
Say hey to our CRM Manager, Sita! 👋 🙌
Sita recently joined the Gener8 team and is already making moves in the marketing department 💃. Get to know more about a core member of the marketing team, right here👇.

🤔 Tell us what your role is at Gener8
I’m a CRM Manager (Customer Relationship Management). My role is to keep Gener8ers engaged with the right content for them and to keep them aware of all the cool things Gener8 has to offer! That can be anything from new launches for Gener8 Rewards, to product features that they may not be aware of.
😎 Is Gener8 your first startup?
Previously I’ve worked at larger companies and also enterprise organisations – so Gener8 is my first proper startup! What do I like about it? It feels like there are things happening quickly and you can develop deeper relationships with your colleagues.
I’ve known about Gener8 for a while because I’m a big Dragon’s Den fan. I saw Sam’s pitch last year and never in my dreams did I think I would work for someone who had been on Dragon’s Den and had such a successful pitch! The role came up and I thought OMG(!) applied and got the role and I’m so glad that I did. Everyone here… we’re all working towards the same cause and something we really care about. We’re all really passionate about what we do.
🛍 In your opinion, what’s the best thing you’ve seen redeemed on Gener8 Rewards?
I’m a big beauty fan, I love my skincare and I did redeem the LookFantastic exclusive offer… which can I confirm, has served its purpose very well 😂. I use LookFantastic a lot (they have every beauty brand you can think of on there) and anything beauty related is right up my street.
😎 When you’re not working, what do you like doing in your spare time?
I love my free time and my me time. So, I dedicate my free time to the people that matter to me the most: my friends and family. I always make a point to have plans every weekend! If you work hard, it’s important to play hard too 😎. I’m a big believer in that.
🎵 Who was your top listened-to artist of 2021?
Post Malone! I love his music and can I just say, I’ve been following him since his Soundcloud days 👌.
🍽 If you could host a dinner with anyone in the world, which 3 guests would you pick?
Post Malone – I find him such an interesting character and I think his music is great
Rihanna – I love her and everything she stands for
Megan Markle – 👑
🚀 What are you most looking forward to at Gener8?
Seeing how much we grow! We’ve got some great partnerships forming for Gener8 Rewards and some amazing deals in the pipeline.
🌎 If Gener8 became a global phenomenon, where in the world would you open an office?
I would probably open an office in Fiji… or somewhere else really hot. An office on the beach specifically, so you could go there for lunch 🏝
🧟 The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are the three Gener8 team members you want on your team?
Jake (Partnerships Manager) – he’s tall and would be able to look for hiding places.
Ken (Content Creator) – he can think on the spot and he’s quite logical in his way of thinking.
Jacob (Head of Mobile) – when we did the Crystal Maze experience he was super fast in one of the tasks. Very agile. Couldn’t believe how fast he did it.
😎 We love an emoji at Gener8, can you tell us what is your most used emoji?
😂 – I find everything funny… and I’m pretty funny too!
Bonus round… 🛎
☕️ Tea or coffee? Coffee
🎬 Television series or movie? Movie
🍴 Takeaway or eating out? Eating out
📚 Video games or books? Books
🏝 Beach or mountains? Beach
📞 Calling or texting? Calling
😸 Cats or dogs? Cats
🎭 Scary movie or a funny movie? Funny movie
🍳 Breakfast or dinner? Dinner