Meet the people behind the movement: Davide
Ever wondered who is behind the mission to enable people to control and be rewarded for their data? 🚀
Meet Davide 🙌
As our Data Analyst, Davide’s role at Gener8 is to help us define and extract the value of our data so that we can be rewarded for sharing it online ✨.

✊ What drew you to Gener8?
I really believed in Gener8 when I first saw it on Dragons Den! I started following Sam on LinkedIn and then kept an eye out for any suitable roles that popped up. Previously, I was working for a digital marketing agency, looking at a lot of anonymised personal data. It was eye-opening to see the value of our data and shocking that the majority of us don’t benefit from it being shared. I used to use alternative ad blockers, so when I saw that someone had a concept where we could be rewarded for sharing it instead (for something I’d use anyway!) I thought it was a great idea.
✨ What’s your favourite thing about your job role at Gener8?
The job is not static, it evolves and it’s different every day – which shouldn’t be taken for granted! There are always new challenges, so it’s fun.
✨ Do you have any secret talents?
I love skiing, but I’m very bad at doing any acrobatic stuff. So I can ski (quite well) but when it comes to the cool stuff that skiers do, I’m not there yet. I am learning though, so watch this space! ⛷
👀 Since you joined Gener8, what’s the best Exclusive Offer you’ve redeemed on the marketplace?
I’m trying to save most of my points for the products that pop up on the marketplace, like the Apple Air Tag.
But in the meantime, I’ve managed to redeem a bunch of great stuff, like Amazon gift cards and the Adidas discount 👌.
🍽 What would you be doing if you chose an alternative career path?
When I was in high school, cooking was my passion. My parents weren’t really home when I finished school so I used to cook for myself and my friends. I’d cook mainly pasta dishes, that’s my thing. Pasta with clams, sea urchins… anything! But, squid ink spaghetti is my best dish 👌🦑.
⚽️ When you’re not working, what do you like doing in your spare time?
Skiing when I can but I also play football twice a week for a team in London ⚽️. I’m originally from Sicily, but if I had to choose an English team to support it would probably be Leicester because when they won the Premier League that time, everyone in Italy went CRAZY 🔵.
✨ Gener8 has a big year ahead! What are you most excited about?
Working on more exciting projects! 🙂