Launched on Chrome

Launched on Chrome

Thank you for being amongst the first people to use Gener8 (pronounced Generate)! We’ve received incredible feedback from our Firefox users and have been busy implementing this into Chrome.

We’re pleased to let you know that we’ve now opened our Beta phase for Chrome and you can install Gener8 from our website now.

(Psst! Remember that Gener8 is currently only available on desktop. So if you’re on your phone, you’ll need to wait until you get to your laptop to install it.)

Our mission at Gener8 is to give you control over your data.  But, we’re not there yet. Over the coming weeks you will notice more features being added and the product improving.

In the mean time, we need your support. We’d love you to join our Reddit or Private Facebook Group to give us feedback: tell us what you like, what you don’t and which features you’d like to see built next.


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Beta release